
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


1. Describe your featured media and how it will enhance the user’s life and experience.
This invention will enhance many aspects of human life. The technology inside the contact lens extends not only sight for the visually impaired as normal contact lenses do, but it will also allow the user to see a digitally generated image on top of seeing the world around them. This could be used in many ways including being able to see the speed of your car while you are driving, having actors able to see their lines in front of them or even stage directions during a show, and it would even allow students to read a book without the book being there at all. Videos could even be watched right before a person’s eyes if they stared at a blank wall. People would be able to have virtual to do lists right before their eyes instead of having paper or electronic ones. In addition to all of this, the contacts also serve as binoculars, allowing the user to zoom in and out to view the world around them in more detail. The contacts can also assess the health of the user and provide a service similar to the OnStar service that car companies provide for cars. If the health of the user is detonating or if the wearer is losing lots of blood for example, the hospitals will be notified of this. The possibilities of this product are endless just as the possibilities for human life enhancing were endless with the invention of the computer. Also expensive laser eye surgery procedures would not be necessary which would save the users lots of money.


3. State what this new media will obsolesce.
The bionic contact lens will obsolete many technologies including glasses, the current well known version of the contact lens, teleprompters, dashboards in cars, books, sheet music for instruments, televisions, movie theatres, scripts and maybe even, in time and after much development, the computer. Binoculars and magnifying glasses would also be made obsolete because these contacts can give you “superhuman vision”. Also inventions like the device that elderly people wear around their necks so that they can get help if they fall. The contact would sense the problem and contact the hospital to give the person assistance. Also, 911 would be completely irrelevant and useless because you don’t even have to call when you’re wearing the lens. Things like GPS systems in cars and definitely maps would also become obsolete because with this contact lens you could see the map or the directions right in front of you. Also, although it is a relatively new procedure, if the person is wearing the contact lens anyways, laser eye surgery would be unnecessary.

Outer Limit

4. Define what factors this invention will reverse when pushed to its outer limit.
This invention may cause health issues if it is not used properly or if it is not properly tested. Also, if people rely to heavily on the contact lenses and they do not work properly, they could run into problems as we do today with computer issues etc. Also, if a virus was created to get into the product somehow (perhaps if they received internet connection) the user’s health could be put in jeopardy. Also, televisions give off small amounts of radiation, so if this lens includes this quality the cancer rate could increase greatly due to the proximity and consistency of the emitting of the radiation. Also, people might start to become anti-social if they can be in their own little world watching through their contact lenses. This would mean instead of going to a movie with friends or watching TV together, people would be watching their own separate contact lens and not being as social as they would be if they were watching a television. Also, if the lens froze like a computer, the person wearing it might be stuck looking at something zoomed in or watching a movie. Also, people might get obsessed with using it and watch videos while they are driving, causing distractions and more accidents on the road.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


2. Outline the elements this invention retrieves from past technologies.
This invention retrieves a few things from past technologies, although it is very innovative and new. One that comes to mind is the little toy that people enjoyed when they were children which you looked into and it showed you different images when you pressed a button. Also, the kaleidoscope is another thing that you look into and see things that are not there. Also, the function that alerts health care workers of the wearer’s physical health is similar to the devices that elderly people wear in case they fall and cannot get up or are in trouble in some other way. This is simply an extension of this because if the user is knocked unconscious, they will still receive help. It also retrieves the now almost obsolete contact lens and glasses because many people are getting laser eye surgery.