
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Outer Limit

4. Define what factors this invention will reverse when pushed to its outer limit.
This invention may cause health issues if it is not used properly or if it is not properly tested. Also, if people rely to heavily on the contact lenses and they do not work properly, they could run into problems as we do today with computer issues etc. Also, if a virus was created to get into the product somehow (perhaps if they received internet connection) the user’s health could be put in jeopardy. Also, televisions give off small amounts of radiation, so if this lens includes this quality the cancer rate could increase greatly due to the proximity and consistency of the emitting of the radiation. Also, people might start to become anti-social if they can be in their own little world watching through their contact lenses. This would mean instead of going to a movie with friends or watching TV together, people would be watching their own separate contact lens and not being as social as they would be if they were watching a television. Also, if the lens froze like a computer, the person wearing it might be stuck looking at something zoomed in or watching a movie. Also, people might get obsessed with using it and watch videos while they are driving, causing distractions and more accidents on the road.

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